Unfolding the Emotional Self

Emotional Self tackles about the human emotions and emotional intelligence and the emotional regulation.

Human emotions and emotional intelligence

Human Emotions

Human emotions are complicated. This part of emotional self is an important aspect of our self, knowing that we have emotions. Emotions can serve as a driving force resulting to our behaviors, sometimes we make decisions based on our emotions, embracing our lifestyle is also part of our emotion and having emotions means that you can relate your feelings with others. Defining one's emotions might seem easy, knowing about the emotion of a person might be easy but having a deeper understanding about it is the hard part. You can easily know when someone is happy, or sad, or angry, but the things is you'd question why do they feel such emotions at the moment, it cannot be easily explained and understood by others. 

Human emotional intelligence

This is where emotional intelligence comes in. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions and of those people around you. People who have higher emotional intelligence enables themselves to know what they feel, to deeply understand their emotions and to explain and define each of their emotions. It may also come by age, younger people tend to understand less about their emotions and end up being eaten by their own emotions because they don't understand what they feel. As people grows up, little by little they understand about their own self emotions, their human emotions.

Sign of the times by Harry Styles

Emotional regulation

Trying to figure out your emotions

Emotional regulation, in its purest form is about you having the skills to control your behavior, emotions and thoughts in pursuit of long term goals. For me, this is the essence of emotions, you don't only try to know and understand about your emotions but you also acquire certain skills regarding controlling of your emotions and your behaviors as results of what you feel. I believe that maturity comes out of here wherein you don't easily let your emotions to overcome you and take over the situations you're in, just like anger or sadness, you don't easily let them win over you and ruin happy your long term goals. Proper management of emotions is amazing, people who can do it all the time have a long way into a happier life.

Loving yourself

Sometimes we try to figure out about our emotions and reflects on how it affects our behaviors. Sometimes we make mistakes by letting our emotions overwhelm us, but no matter what happens your self will always be there for you, try to breathe and try to live, we're only humans and making mistakes is one proof, having emotions is the second.

My Emotional Self

I have learned in this topic about human emotions and their emotional intelligence. As people grow older they get to have a deeper understanding about their emotions. But I don't agree that age is that much relevant with emotional intelligence because just like how maturity is cannot be measured by age, I believe that emotions too are immeasurable and undefinable by age. There are younger people who tend to understand more about their emotion that those older people. I have also learned that there are 27 human emotions which includes admiration, adoration, aesthetic appreciation, amusement, anxiety, awe, awkwardness, boredom, calmness, confusion, craving, disgust, empathetic pain, entrancement, envy, excitement, fear, horror, interest, joy, nostalgia, romance, sadness, satisfaction, sexual desire, sympathy and triumph. It is so refreshing to know about these emotions, before I thought that there's only happiness, sadness and anger but then now as I learn about the other emotions without elaborating each of it, I realized that I've already felt each one of those mentioned emotion at some point in my life I know and I'm sure that I have felt all those kind of emotions, I even sometimes feel mixture of contradicting emotions such as joy and sadness at the same time, or probably simultaneously. Emotion is still and will always be a complicated matter for me, I believe that you can never fully understand someone's emotion or feelings or even fully understand about your own, but just the fact that your feeling something, that you have emotion is more than enough for you to become human. For me, emotion is what it takes to save humanity. I remember about a saying which states that "I see human, but there's no humanity.", it gives me chills, knowing about selfish people who only care about themselves and disregards others emotions and entire existence, due to the selfishness of humans, shortcomings happens leading to extinction of humanity itself. People should start to care more for one another, so even if the world ends, then people would be happier to feel human and to live a life like a normal human with emotions so there will be no more regrets.

"Just stop your crying
Have the time of your life
Breaking through the atmosphere
And things are pretty good from here
Remember everything will be alright"


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