Unfolding the Emerging Facets of the Self

This part of the self includes The Political Self: Developing Active Citizenship and The Digital Self: Uncovering Digital Citizenship.

The Political Self: Developing Active Citizenship


This unit tackles about the politics, citizenship and the self. As members of the society, people are naturally obligated to participate in a political system as social citizens. Politics refers to the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. Aristotle has stated that "man is, by nature, a political animal." which means that a man is a social being and it is only natural for them to get involve in politics in order to satisfy their social needs.

This particular dimension of the self is rather critical simply because political self is a privilege. Oneself has the capability to vote for the leaders of the country and it is indeed their privilege to choose the best or the worst candidate, it is a choice which involves critical thinking for the sake of the country, one's decision carries heavy responsibility as a political citizen that's why it is only important to make right decision so that the people of the country won't suffer from having bad leaders. Active citizenship was also discussed in this topic, and it refers to the structured forms of engagement with political processes and everyday forms of participation in the society. It is also defined as the process of sharing decisions which affect one's life and the life of the people living in a community.

I have learned in this unit the importance of political self and active citizenship. A person's privilege to choose their leader must not be bought by any candidates, a person with this privilege must not sell it, however in reality, there are still a lot of people who sells their votes during elections and suffer the consequences when the administration started to face crisis. Political Self is an important part of the human nature, we naturally get involve with politics whether we like it or not, but since it is a privilege we still have a choice on how we will use it. It doesn't end from participating in election, political self is part of our daily lives, everyday we got involve in politics, everyday we have our opinions on how the administration handles the situations in our country whether there's a crisis or just any social and political issues that must be dealt with by the country's government. Corruption became a norm in politics because huge sum of money were involved, but those money came from the hardworking people's taxes, therefore the money in the government is the money of the people of the country and not the people working in the government, the leaders were put there to handle and govern the people and not to steal their money, it is our privilege to choose our leaders and senators wisely, so we must use it wisely to not suffer further consequences just like what always happens, voting for corrupt politicians. We must also learn to cooperate with the government, because it doesn't mean that when there are corrupt politicians that we should conclude that everyone in the government were also corrupt, we still have to cooperate especially during this pandemic, I just hope that the government really do their job and be fair to people.

Political self as the nature of the people to get involved with politics, I also learned that politics can also be born from simple groups, or organization in schools and outside the campus, non-government organizations are also politics, because within their organization there are still people who leads them and guide them. I believe that if someone were to be able to have deeper understanding with his/her political self, then he/she would realize it's important and therefore would choose to use it properly for the sake of his/her countrymen.


The Digital Self: Uncovering Digital Citizenship


The digital self in this unit pertains to uncovering of one's digital citizenship, it still tackles about one's responsibility as a citizen. This topic particularly talks about the dimension of the self in the digital world, with the emergence of technology we are now living in the digital world. The millennial generation is known to be the generation of the digital natives because millenials were born in an era of rapid advancement in technology. As a result, daily living of humans nowadays became almost dependent on the functions of technology simply because everything with the help of technology became easier. Also with this emergence with technology, people got too attached with the internet, because it can almost provide everything such as long distance communication, entertainment, news, and even studying, but most importantly with the help of the internet, people were able to have a venue for presenting their identities through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


Advancement in technology comes along with the corresponding advancement in responsibilities of of the people. The challenge is to ensure that technology is used appropriately. The digital citizenship refers to the norms of proper and responsible behavior towards the use of technology. Its three general principles includes respecting, educating, and protecting oneself and others. The ultimate purpose of digital citizenship is to regulate human behavior in a highly-technological and digital world. Technology offers unlimited opportunities, its presence is inevitable. However, technology doesn't need to control the humanity and people's lives. An individual must learn to adapt in accordance with the dynamic changes in technology.

I have learned in this another facet of the self that presently emerges along with the advancement in technology is also very important. It became a part of our life, the internet, especially as of today that our world is facing a pandemic crisis and people were strictly advised to stay at home, work from home and school from home became the alternative of people's daily work which means that it would involve a lot more of use of internet and technologies in order to carry out online interactions with the world despite staying at home. I believe that digital citizenship is just as important as political citizenship, it is also a privilege and it must also be used properly. However no matter how much we try to educate and help people, there would still be people who would always use technology in bad things just like corrupt politicians in politics who were inherently evil, there will always be evil in some part of the humanity and that is something that we cannot change. Therefore I think that people must deal with things in the internet carefully. "Think before you click!" is the most common phrase known that is related to internet, which means literally what it says to think before you click something in the internet because you'll never know that you're being exposed and that your safety might be compromise with that one wrong click.

Use your privileges wisely, whether it's political or digital, because those privileges can either hurt others or help others, and naturally we must always choose the latter which is to help others to achieve a peaceful world.

"Hey all you people, for goodness sake, Let's get together, what does it take,To make you understand the value of a man? I'm talkin' about your son and neighbor, yes I am."


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